Quruli Flag

Flag of Quruli since the 2020 Quruli flag referendum.

Quruli, officially known as the Quruli States of Ostyrgystan, or simply Qurulistan, is a country in Central Asia.


As of 2020, according to NationStates, the population of Qurulistan is about 783 million.

Someone from Quruli is simply referred to as a Quruli, or, occasionally, a Qurulian.

The official languages of Qurulistan are English and Quruli, and children are taught in both languages across the country from the age of 7. 91% of the population speak English and Quruli fluently.

The capital of Quruli is Aqburqan.

The national animal of Quruli is the saiga.

Their currency is the tenga. One Quruli tenga equals approximately 0.0011 Pounds sterling.

Their national motto is 'Coalesce and conquer.'

The national anthem of Qurulistan is 'Qurulistan you very nice place'.

Compared to other countries, especially in Central Asia, Quruli excels in Automobile Manufacturing, and Agriculture, the latter, largely due to the country's flat terrain.


A Quruli member of parliament is called an Uid Asozer (pronounced oo-id azoh-zah). Next to parliamentarians' names, UA is often written, to symbolise their membership.

Quruli has two leaders, however, the Qörahbar (roughly translated as leader, in Quruli) is considered to be the primary figurehead of the country. Generally, the President is considered to be the head of the Boshliq, a branch of government, and the Qörahbar takes on the roles of both head of state, and head of Zavakilar, another branch of government. The Qöhsozer (roughly honourable member, in Quruli), is the leader of the opposition in the Zavakilar. The Vice President essentially takes on the role of opposition leader in the Boshliq, but in a less official sense, as the President and Vice President work together, more so than their Zavakilar counterparts.

The current Qörahbar of Qurulistan is Roza Yedileva, a Right Union member, who has served since 6th August 2020.

The current Qöhsozer of Qurulistan is Charlotta Labonte, a Social Coalescent Democrat, who has served since 6th August 2020.

The current President of Qurulistan is Garri Bolatev, a Social Coalescent Democrat who has served since 6th August 2020.

The current Vice President of Qurulistan is Piotr Ayanov, a Right Union member, who has served since 6th August 2020.

The country generally has four parties that take part in elections, they include the SCD (Social Coalescent Democrats, a center to center-left party), the RUP (Right Union Party, a center-right party), the QUP (Quruli Unionist Party, a left-wing party), and finally, the OG (OurLand Group, a right-wing to far-right party).

Unionism, and the belief that the country shouldn't dissolve, known as 'Coalescentarianism' in Quruli politics, are colossal talking points in the country. Generally, unionists seek to secede majority non-Quruli ethnic land to Uzbekistan, and, to a far lesser extent, Kazakhstan, as many unionists tend to be ethnically Uzbek, to some extent. Some unionists want Qurulistan to completely dissolve, however, many other unionists consider this a rare, extremist, and dangerous view. The Quruli Unionist Party is the only unionist party in the country, hence the name. They hold about 26.7% of seats in the House of Representatives and approximately 37.8% of seats in the House of Ratification.
